
Progress in the research of phytoremediation technology of polluted soil

  • 摘要: 综述了国内外污染土壤植物修复技术研究进展,植物修复是利用某些植物对土壤重金属的超量吸收挥发以及对土壤中有机污染物降解等特殊功能,并与根际微生物协同作用,原位修复污染土壤的方法,费用低,效果显著,环境友好,是极具发展潜力的“绿色产业”。


    Abstract: The progress in the research of phytoremediation technology of polluted soil in and outside the oauntry is stated in this paper.Phytoremed iation of the polluted soil is a kind of method tO remedy the polluted soil.It uses the plants tO over-absorb and volatilize the heavy mental in the polluted soil.and uses the collaboration of plants and the microbe around the root to decompose the organ iceontamination in the original place.Phytoremed iation is a promising Green Industry,which is characteristic of low-cost,high-efficiency and friendly-environment.


