
The influence of different concentrations of Mn on the growth and development of wheat

  • 摘要: 溶液培养试验研究缺Mn、低Mn和正常供Mn对小麦生长发育的影响结果表明,缺Mn与低Mn均使敏感品种“京冬8号”生长量显著降低,N03>-N和可溶性蛋白质含量显著增加,而氨基酸含量除供Mn0.O01umol/L处理显著降低外,其他处理间均无明显差异,各项指标均表现为低Mn比缺Mn影响更大,蛋白质电泳中低Mn较缺Mn以及其他处理缺失了2条蛋白质带。且敏感品种“京冬8号”比抗病品种“临远7069”表现更明显。


    Abstract: In the method of water culture,the influences of Mn deficiency,low Mn and normal Mn on the growth and development of wheat were studied.The results show that with the Jingdong-8,both the low Mn and the Mn deficiency make the fresh weight and the dry weight of stem an d root decrease obviously,the content of the N03--N and the soluble protein increase evid/ently;while the content of amino acid has no obvious difference in other trea tments,except for the marked decrease at the lower Mn concentration of 0.001umol/L;al1 the indexes express that 1ow Mn concentration has more higher influence than Mn deficiency;in protein electropho resis,two protein lines disappear in the low Mn concentration.The expressions 0f Linyuan-7069 are just not So obvious as those of Jingdong-8.


