
Leaching loss of nitrate during the wheat growing season in Piedmont of Mountain Taihang

  • 摘要: 试验研究太行山山前平原冬小麦生长季NO3--N淋失结果表明,该区现有灌溉施肥制度冬小麦生长季存在NO3--N的淋失,且主要发生在底墒水和返青水灌溉时期。整个冬小麦生长季施N水平为lOOkg/hm2、200kg/hm2和400kg/hm2 时,通过180cm土层界面的N03--N淋失量分别为0.1kg/hm2、22.1kg/hm2 和110.1kg/hm2


    Abstract: The leaching loss of N03--N during wheat growing season in Piedmont Mountain Taihang are studied in this paper.The results show that there are lots of N03--N leached during the wheat growing season in Piedmont of Mountain hang for the over fertilization and improper irrigation.The nitrate leaching through 180cm soil depth are 0.1kg/hm2,22.1kg/hm2,and110.1kg/hm2 inwheat season with N 100kg/hm2,200kg/hm2,and400kg/hm2 treatments,the irrigation before wheat plan ting and the first irrigation in the next year eauses lots of nitrate leached.


