
Nitrogen uptake and grsan yield efects of double-cropping rice at different nitrogen application rates in the first crop of ratoon rice

  • 摘要: 对再生稻头季不同施N水平的双季N素吸收及产量效应研究结果表明,双季稻株吸N量与头季稻施N量呈抛物线形相关,以头季稻穗发育阶段吸N速率最高,头季稻分蘖末期、结实期和头季稻收割~再生季稻齐穗期次之。稻株总吸N量中土壤N吸收量所占比率随施N水平的提高而降低,化肥N吸收量则与施N量呈抛物线形关系,结实期营养器官转移N是籽粒N素积累的主要来源。双季稻株干物质积累量与头季稻施N量也呈抛物线形相关,超过施N 限额后净同化率显著降低,群体生长率下降,干物质净积累量减少。稻谷产量与干物质总积累量呈极显著正相关,尤其与水稻生长中后期干物质净积累量极密切相关,再生季稻产量与头季稻中后期干物质净积累量极密切相关。头季稻施N 225~300kg/hm2 并加施适量芽肥处理,头季稻和再生季稻中后期干物质净积累量及稻谷产量均最高,头季稻产量达1.0913~1.1300万kg/hm2,再生季稻产量达7565-7878kg/hm2


    Abstract: Nitrogen uptake and grain yield effects of double-cropping rice at different nitrogen application rates in the first crop of ratoon rice were studied.The results show that the N uptake of double-cropping rice plants exhibits a parabola curve with N application rates in the first crop of ratoon rice .The N absorption rate is the highest at the panicle development phase in the first crop,the second highest is at the late tillering stage and the grain filling stage of the first crop and during the period from harvest stage of the first crop to full heading stage of the second crop of ratoon rice .Among the total N uptake of rice plants.the ratio of uptake of soil N decreases as N application rate enhances and the uptake of fertilizer N shows a parabola curve with the increasing of N application rates .At the grain filling stage,it is the main N source transported from vegetable parts to grains .The relationship between the dry matter accumulation of double-cropping rice and the N application rates in the first crop is also a parabola curve,in that the net assimilation rate(NAR)significantly decreases when the N application is over limitation,in turn leading to reduced crop growth rate(CGR)and net dry matter accum ulation.Grain yield has a closely significantly positive correlation with the total dry matter accum ulation,specially a very close correlation with the net dry matter accum ulation of the mi ddle-late stages in the first crop.The grain yield of the second crop also shows a very close corelation with the net dry matter accumulation of the mi ddle-late stages in the first crop.The net dry matter accum ulations recorded in the middle-late stages and the grain yield in the first and second crops are the highest after applying N 225-300kg/hm2 in the first crop and suitable bud fertilizer in the rationed rice,in-dicating that the grain yield of the first crop is 10913-11300kg/hm2 and that of the second crop of ratoon rice is 7565-7878kg/hm2


