
The organism of Mn loss from the surface soil for rice/wheat rotation systems in Chengdu Plain

  • 摘要: 试验研究水旱轮作稻田表土Mn损失主要机制以及施N水平对植株Mn累积量的影响结果表明,施N促进植株对Mn的吸收,土壤表层活性锰部分被植株所吸收,部分重新积淀在土壤下层,只有少部分淋洗出土体,收获是土壤Mn损失最主要形式,收获物82%以上的Mn积存于秸秆中,实行秸秆还田是保持土壤Mn肥力的重要途径。


    Abstract: The organisms of Mnlossfrom the surface soil of paddy rice and upland crop rotation systems and the effects of the application of N on the plant Mn accumulation are studied in this paper.The results show thatthe application of N can improve the Mn absorption of plant;a part of active Mn is absorbed by plant,the other part of Mn is deposited in deep soil layer,and only a little part of Mn is leached out from deep layer soil.Harvest is the main form of Mn loss from soil.Because of 82% Mn in rice straw by harvesting,the important way of holding the paddy Mn fertility is to return straw to fidd.


