
Efect of soil compaction On tomato growth,development,yield and quality in solar greenhouse

  • 摘要: 试验研究土壤紧实度对日光温室番茄生长发育、产量及品质的影响结果表明,随土壤紧实度增大而植株生长发育迟缓,产量和品质下降,果实风味品质变差。而土壤疏松处理植株生长发育良好,座果节位下降,水分利用效率提高,果实游离氨基酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量增加,硝酸盐含量下降,果实风味好且产量高,经济系数较高。


    Abstract: The effects of coil paction on growth,development, yield and quality of toronto in greenhouse are studied in this paper.The results show that with the soil compaction increasing,the plants grow and develop slowly,its yield,quality and flavor decline.While with the soil compaction decreasing,the plants grow and devdop well,and the fruiting node place declines,water use effidency(WUE)of leaves and yield of tomato fruits increase,the contellts of soluble sugar,soluble protein,free amino acidin fruits.increase and the quality.flavor and economic coeffidency of fruits are improved.


