Efects of progressive drying and rewatering on ohysiological and biochemical indicators in maize seedlings
摘要: 盆栽试验研究结果表明,土壤毛管持水量由70%降至30%的过程中根茎叶相对含水量分别降低10.41%、12.03%和10.82%,充分复水后其相对含水量均明显提高,水分亏缺越严重的处理复水后其相对含水量增加越多,且不同亏缺程度处理均根>茎>叶;茎叶中可溶性糖含量变化先升后降,土壤毛管持水量50%干旱程度时达最大值,而根中可溶性糖含量呈渐增趋势,但可溶性蛋白质含量减少,复水后其含量均有所增加,干旱时脯氨酸含量累积,而复水后其含量降低。随干旱的加剧根茎叶渗透势、水势均呈降低趋势,复水后均有不同程度增加,充分复水12h后土壤毛管持水量为5o%和土壤毛管持水量为60%的处理基本恢复至正常水平,土壤毛管持水量为30%和土壤毛管持水量为40%的处理水分亏缺较严重,大大影响了根茎叶渗透调节能力,且根系渗透调节能力小于茎和叶片。Abstract: The pot experiments show that the relative water content of root,stern and leaf is reduced 10.41% .12.03% and 10.82% during the process of soil moisture declining from 70% tO 30% and it is increased after rewatering enough.The more the water deficit is.the more the relative water content is increased after rewatering.The order of relative water contents is always root> stem> lear at different extents of water deficit.The soluble sugar in stem and lear is increased at first.then declined.Its maximum value is arrived at 50% water leve1.But its content shows trend of increase in root.The soluble protein.osmotic potential and water potential decline under the drying and increase after rewatering.They arerestored to the natural level at 50% and 60% after rewatering of 12 hours.The osmotic adjustment ability of root.stern and leaf is significantly affected because of severe water deficit at 30% and 40% leve1.and the osmotic adjustment ability of root is the minimum.