
Winter wheat photosynthesis and biomass accumulation model under water stress conditions

  • 摘要: 研究建立了不同土壤水分处理冬小麦同化物生产与积累模型,该模型综合考虑了环境因子对冬小麦物质生产能力的影响作用,引用简单的经验物质分配模式,得到同化产物的积累模型。并对模拟结果进行平均根方差分析,不同土壤水分处理叶、茎、穗干物质量模拟的平均根方差介于15~100间,表明该模型较好地模拟不同土壤水分作物物质生产和积累过程。


    Abstract: The paper introduces a canopy photosynthesis and a dry matter accumulation model of winter wheat.The moodel mainly considers the influence 0f the environm ental factors on crop photosyn thetic process,quotes the simple empirical partitioning pattern and establishes a dry matter accumulation mod e1.The results of mod eling are compared well with the experimental results through the statistical an alysis by RMSE whose values range from 15 tO 100.It indicates that the model has a good function tO simulate the photosyn thesis and the dry matter accumulation in winter wheat under water stress conditions .


