
The litter decomposition rate of mixed forest of poplar and black locust

  • 摘要: 试验研究杨树纯林、刺槐纯林以及杨树刺槐混交林枯落物分解速率结果表明,枯落物分解速率随土壤水分的增大而增加,土壤含水量达最大持水量时其分解速率达最大值。起始分解速率以70% 田间持水量为最大,其达最大分解速率的时间为4d,其他土壤含水量起始分解存在滞后现象,达最大分解速率的时间为7d左右。不同枯落物分解速率为刺槐纯林>杨树刺槐混交林>杨树纯林,其原因是由刺槐纯林枯落物C/N值较高,而杨树纯林枯落物C/N值较小缘故所致。刺槐与杨树混交可降低枯落物 N值,加快枯落物分解速率。


    Abstract: The litter decomposition rates of pure and mixed forest of poplar and black locust are studied in this paper.The results show that the litter decomposition rate increases with the soil moisture increasing .The litter decomposition rate under maxinlurn moisture capacity reveals the fastest.The initial decomposition rate is the biggest under the condition of 70% field moisture capacity,it needs four days to get the big est decomposition rate while the others need seven days.The order of the litter decomposition rate is pure black locust>mixed forest>pure poplar.It is considered that C/N in pure black locust litter is substantially higher than that in pure poplar litter.It can reduce the C/N ratio and accelerate the litter decomposition by mixing poplar with black locust.


