
The interactive mechanism between economy and environment in depressed area-A case study from Dingxi District,Gansu Province

  • 摘要: 利用甘肃省定西地区建国以来时间序列数据,研究了该区生态环境脆弱性与贫困性耦合关系和驱动因子时间演进趋势及其分异规律,揭示出贫困地区经济与环境互动机理,即经济与环境矛盾更尖锐突出地表现为贫困地区生态环境脆弱性与贫困性的矛盾,贫困地区“脆弱一贫困”恶性循环是自然与人为共同作用的结果,而以人为作用为主。贫困地区生存方式可选择余地与其生态环境脆弱性密切相关,中国政府在贫困地区实施的一系列可持续发展政策是贫困地区脱贫致富有效途径和有效缓解生态环境脆弱性的重大举措。


    Abstract: This study introduces the factor model of coupling relationship between eco-envimnmental vatlnerability and poverty,and discusses the development trend of their driving factor,proposes the interactive mechanism between economy and environment in poor region.The contradiction between economy and environment is acutely and obviously the contradiction of eco-envimnm ental vulnerability and poverty in this region;the vicious circle of eco-envimnm ental vatlnerability and poverty results from the natural and human action but mainly from the human action;the selecting space of survival methods is due to the eco-envimnm ental vulnerability.The Chinese sustainable development policies implemented in poor regions are notonlytheimportan tcountermeasures for environmental protection and restoration,butalsothe efficientway of its getting rid of poverty by economic development.


