
Several important scientific issues in the development of China’S eco-agriculture at the present time

  • 摘要: 在综合研究国内外生态农业发展的基础上,明确指出走中国特色的生态农业道路必须注重与国际接轨相结合,忽视国外的发展就等于作茧自缚;中国生态农业的难点与出路在于其产业化,具体表现为生产的规范化、产品的无公害化、管理运作的标准化和法制化;中国生态农业核心技术应包括无公害产品的种植与养殖技术,新型肥料、农药与农膜等基础支撑技术,产品加工技术和产品认证与营销技术;标准化与国际化是中国生态农业创新和阶段性发展的标志;农民问题仍是中国生态农业发展中的基本问题;中国生态农业建设在发展规模与质量的关系上应首先解决好发展质量,且勿操之过急。


    Abstract: On the basis of the development and sci-tech progress in China’S eco-agricdture.six important issues have been advanced.It is necessary to combine the China’S eco-agriculture with its feature and learn from alternative agriculture abroad.The industrialization is both the dificulty and way out in front of China’S eco-agriculture,including production with standardization,no pollution and a legal man agement system .The kernel technologies for China’S eco-agriculture are mainly mnnected with no-pollution planting and grazing,new-typed fertilizers,medicines and farming plastics,and technologies of products processing,products authentication and marketing strategy,etc.The standardization and industrialization are the signs of innovation and stage-development China’S eco-agriculture.The farmer’S enthusiasm and engagement are the basic matters in developing China’S eco-agriculture.China’S eco-agriculture can not be developed well if only paying attention to the Sca1e but not the quality.


