
Effect of using biogas manures on rice cultivation

  • 摘要: 稻田施用沼肥+少量化肥处理水稻前期生长较慢,其分蘖数和株高低于单施普通化肥或水稻专用肥处理,但后期转色好,且每穗实粒数、结实率和千粒重均优于单施普通化肥或水稻专用肥处理,而稻谷产量与单施普通化肥相比无明显增产效果,比单施水稻专用肥处理减产4.6%。施用沼肥比单施普通化肥和水稻专用肥处理成本分别降低19.0%和42.5%,且提高土壤有机质和 N、P、K等养分含量,改善土壤结构和培肥地力。


    Abstract: The rice varieties using biogas manures (BM ) and a few chemical fertilizer grow more slowly in the early growing season,but turn to he better in the late growing season,and more filled grains per panicle,higher full grain rate,higher 1000-grain weight can be obtained than those using chemical fertilizer or special fertilizer for rice.However,the yield has no obvious effect of increase than that using chemical fertilizer.and is 4.6% lower than that using fertilizer special for rice During the whole rice growing season.the costs of using biogas manures are cut down 19.0% and 42.5%than that of using chemical fertilizer and fertilizer special for rice,respectively.Furthermore,cultivating rice with biogas manures can improve the soil physicochemical characters.


