
Effect of field covering with plastic and straw on agricultural ecology of apple orchard in arid desert area

  • 摘要: 试验研究地面覆秸秆、覆膜、覆膜+覆秸秆等节水措施对干旱荒漠地区苹果园土壤水分、温度和肥力等因子的效应及对苹果生长的影响结果表明,几种节水措施均有效提高0~60cm 土层土壤含水量,最大增幅出现在5、6月份,与果树需水规律相一致,缓解了水分供需矛盾。覆膜、覆膜+覆秸秆处理有明显增温效应,覆秸秆则表现前蜒降温而后期增温的双重效应,并增加土壤有机质及速效氯、磷、钾含量,提高土壤肥力和改善土壤结构,其中覆秸秆处理土壤有机质含量增加l8.7%,地面覆盖处理土壤容重降低0.019~0.133g/cm3,1年生枝长增加16.4%~39.4%,叶面积增大2.7~3.86cm2,单产增加l7l0~2460kg/hm2,果实可溶性固形物含量提高0.9%~1.2%。


    Abstract: The effects of different saving water measures on soil water content(SWC),temperature and fertility,as well as growing and fruiting were studied including mulching with straw,plastic and both of them in apple orchard of arid area.The results show that SWC of root-room from 0 tO 60cm depth is increased with water saving measures.Its highest increase occurs in May and June when apple tree is in the course of water-demanding and the contradiction between water supply and demand is eased up.The so“temperature increases obviously at the depth from 0 to 45cm with mulching either plastic or plastic and straw in the growing season.But the soil temperature is lower in the early season only under strawm ulching,however,higher than CK in the later season.The budding and blooming will be delayed because of lower ternperature with straw mulching in spring in comparison with CK,thus the frosly injury can be avoided or at least lightened Also,the contenls of soil organic matter,N,P and K available are increased,and the bulk density is decreased forln 0.019 to 0.133g/cm3.As a result.the mean length of annual shoot and the single leaf area increase by 16.4%~39.4%and 2.7~3.86cm2.respectively.The yield and quality of apple are enhanced.increasing the soluble solids form 0.9% to 1.2% and the yields from 1710 to 2460kg/hm2


