
The influence of climatic ecology factors on the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco and the countermeasures of planting tobacco in Jiangxi

  • 摘要: 江西省烤烟产量与烟碱含量赣南优于赣中和赣北,赣南平均产量为1920.Okg/hm2,赣中为1698.0kg/hm2,赣北为1705.5kg/hm2;平均烟碱含量赣南为22.7g/kg,赣中为18.2g/kg,赣北为13.5g/kg。简析了该省烤烟各生育期气候条件对其产量和品质的影响,确定烤烟各生育阶段对光、温、水要求的主次,并提出植烟栽培措施。


    Abstract: The vield and nicotine content of flue-cured tobacco are better in the southern Jiangxi than in the middle and northern.The average yield is 1920.Okg/hm2 in the south,1698.Okg/hm2 in the middle,and 1705.5kg/hm2 in the north.The average nicotine content is 22.7g/kg in the south,18.2g/kg in the middle,and 13.5g/kg in the north.Assaying the clim atic condition in each development stage according tO the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco,the paper confirms the priority and requirements of light,temperature and water in each development stage and puts forward some cultivating countermea sures.


