
Studies on production of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer by utilizing the lees of grape wine

  • 摘要: 研究了以葡萄酿酒后副产物皮渣和籽渣为原料,采用化学腐熟促进处理、微生物好氧发酵和添加复配N、P、K等方法生产有机复混肥,该产品有机质含量≥300 kg,N、P、K 总含量 250g/kg,并含有10多种中微量元素,田问试验结果表明与等养分和等价格化肥相比,施用该有机复混肥可增产10% 以上,对多种经济作物品质有明显改善作用,且改土培肥效果明显。


    Abstract: This paper reports a method for the production of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer by using the lees of grape wine,such as skin and pips of grape,as raw materia1.It includes the chemical disposal,aerobic compost and compound inorganic fertilizers N,P and K.In this fertilizer organic matter content is over 300g/kg and total content of N,P,K is over 250g/kg.Compared with other chemical compound fertilizer containing the same contents of N,P,K,the fertilizer can increase crop yield by 10% .improve crop quality significantly and ameliorate the fertilizer availability of soil.


