
Utilization of soil water and nitrogen resources in dry land under a long-term fertilizer experiment

  • 摘要: 黄土高原旱地长期定位施肥N素利用率及作物对土壤深层储水利用试验研究结果表明,旱地长期施用N肥利用效率较高,平均为47.9%,0~100cm土层土壤NO3--N含量对作物生长有效,高N 肥投入可提高作物产量和利用更多的土壤储水。该区土壤对水分有很大调节作用,土壤水库具有很大的抗旱增产潜力。


    Abstract: Utilization rate of nitrogenous fertilizer and use of deep storage water are studied on the base of a long-term located fertilizer test in this paper.The results show that utilization rate of N is higher in dry land.Lots of N may increase the production and reduce the storage of water.Soil moisture is adjusted by soil reservoir greatly,which is important in drought region.


