
The study on high-yield cultivation techniques of Plums

  • 摘要: 李子具有易栽植,生长势强,开花结实早的特点,试验结果表明花红李、奈李和金沙李3品种中种植花红李和奈李可获较高收入,合理密植可提高李子单位面积产量和产值,赤霉素能促进李子开花结实。在滇东南岩溶地区宜发展种植奈李和花红李2 品种,采用2m×3m 株行距定植,林下混种矮秆农作物,于初花和幼果期各喷1次200mg/kg浓度赤霉素可取得良好的经济效益。


    Abstract: Plums have the characteristics of easy planting,fast growth,early blossom and bearing.The research indicates that in the three varieties of Huahong,Jinsha and Prunus salicina,Prunus salicina and Huahong have higher economic value.Rational planting density can improve their yields and production values,while gibberellin can prompt their blossom and bearing.It can be achieved good economic effects to plant Huahong and Prunus salicina in Southeastern Yunnan with 2m×3m of spacing between plant and row,to spray 200mg/kg gibberellin once in blossoming and fruiting periods respectively,and to interplant short-pole crops.


