
The optimum application of nitrogen on rice in precision agriculture

  • 摘要: 利用田间试验资料分析了施N肥总量与水稻叶面积指数、干物质累积及其产量结构的关系,建立了施N肥总量-水稻产量关系模型。施N 肥总量与产量呈抛物线形变化,即施N 肥量增至一定水平后则产量下降,N 肥报酬递减。中等肥力田块最高产量施N 肥量为340.5kg/hm2;经济效益最佳的施N 肥量为205.5kg/hm2,两者相比施N 肥量减幅为39.6%,而产量仅减少2.8%,高、低肥力田块最佳施N 量差异很大。


    Abstract: The relation between the total application of nitrogen(N)and the crop data such as the leaf area index (LAJ),the dry matter accumulation and the components of the yield is analyzed according to the data got from the field experiments.Then the model of relation between the total N and the rice yield is established.The line of the relationship between the total N and the rice yield diversifies like a parabola,which means that with the total N increa sing , the yield increases ,but after the total N increases to a certain value,the yield descents.That is,the return from the deal gradually decreases.The test of total N applied on the farmlands of higher fertility and lower one indicates that their optimum applications of N are quite different from each other.


