
Research surveys of allelopathy in plants

  • 摘要: 近年来植物化感物质的提取、纯化、鉴定及其生物检测方法的研究取得很大进展。化感作用物质主要来自植物的次生代谢产物,它通过影响植物膜系统、激素水平、矿质吸收、呼吸和光合作用等对植物的生长产生影响。并阐述了植物化感作用及其机理、化感作用的研究方法,指出植物化感作用研究中存在的问题和研究方向。


    Abstract: Plant allelopathy is a favorable or harmful effect produced by one plant on another through production of chemical compounds that escape into the environment.In recent years,much progress has been made on distillation,purification,identification,and bioassay of allelochemicals.Allelochemicals are mainly secondary substances of plant,which can influence plants growth by affecting membrane system ,hormone level,minerals uptake,photosynthesis,and respiration.In this article,plant allelopathy is summarized,and research methods and mechanisms of allelopathy are mainly introduced,problems and trends in plant allelopathy research are discused too.


