
Assessment of the feasibility of cultivated fruit trees using station freezing index

  • 摘要: 低温是热带、亚热带植物生存的关键限制因子,强低温过程往往使它们遭爱寒害或冻害。从经济栽培角度考虑,一般用20年一遇的年度极端最低气温(TD )作为衡量多年生果树是否经济栽培的指标。研究结果将果树冻害分为5个等级,先统计各级冻害出现的年数,继而计算该果村的站冻指数SFI。经分析站琼指数SFITD相关密切,故用站琼指数评价多年生果树经济栽培是可行的。


    Abstract: Planting the ccononlle fruit trees in tropical and subtropical areas,the lower temperature is a restricted factor Based on annual extreme temperature data from 1950 to 1999 in Fujian,the relation was analyzed between annum extreme tenmperature and fruit trees danlage,and the fruit trees damage was dixrided into 5 ranks First the number of fruit damage was cuunted in every ranks,then the station freezing index(SFI)was calculated,Based on statistics analysis,using SFI,assessment of the fruit trees cultivated feasibility was good.


