
Index of precision fertilizer in high yield region of Taihang Piedmont

  • 摘要: 总结分析了太行山山前平原高产区冬小麦夏玉米轮作制度下有关推荐施肥指标,并结合该区最新试验结果提出建立适宜该区的精准施肥技术指标体系,即根据平衡施肥原理,以土壤有效养分含量、目标产量和植株测试值为主要诊断指标确定作物施肥量,特别是根据土壤NO3--N含量确定冬小麦夏玉米的基肥用量,以植株关键生育期的养分水平确定N 素追肥用量;参考作物养分需要量、水分条件、植株可见症状诊断、施肥方式等辅助性指标,适时准确地进行土壤或植株营养状况预测,调整肥料用量或施肥方式,为精准施的实施提供重要参数。


    Abstract: Index of recommending fertilizer are summarized in this investigation.and an index system of precise applying fertilizer is formed according to the studies of several years in high yield region of Taihang Piedmont,the major indexes include the soil available nutrition and nutrient content in crops,which form the spine for base fertilizer and added fertilizer that could be regulated according to the nitrite content in special site of plant in key stage of winter wheat and summer maize,other indexes such as the degree of nutrient requirement of different crops,the target yield,the plant manifest,the water content and the fertilizer mode etc.would provide auxilinary indexes for precision fertilizer.


