克服限制因素 推动我国生态农业发展

Overcome the limited factors and promote the development of ecological agriculture

  • 摘要: 生态农业发展已进入关键时期,面临着许多障碍因素和隐含着无穷潜力。为寻求生态农业健康发 展的途径,讨论了目前我国生态农业发展的主要限制因素,并提出主要发展对策。


    Abstract: The development of ecological agriculture has entered a key stage.On the one hand,there exist some problems in the system,on the other hand,there exists a big potential for its development.Everyone is looking at the future of it.This paper discusses the main limiting factors for the development of ecological agriculture. At last,several strategies are given which is expected to have some promoting rule on the healthy development of ecological agriculture.


