
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi on growth and yield of cotton

  • 摘要: 研究了不施肥与施P肥3种丛植菌根菌C.igaspora(Gi.r) Glomus mosseae(G.m)和Glomus versiforme(G.v)对棉花生长及产量的影响。结果表明,丛技菌根菌可显著提高棉花叶片光合速率,改善水分状况,促进棉花生长发育,提高籽棉产量,尤其是霜前花产量。其中以接种G.v处理对棉花增产效应最大。


    Abstract: Effects of arbuscutar mycorrhiza fungi(AMF)including gaspora rosea,glomus mosseae and glomus versiforme on growth and yield of cotton in fertilized and non-fertilized fields with Phosphorus(3Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O+7Ca SO4)are studied.The results show that the AMF is gble to increase the photosynthetic rate,improve water status,promote cotton growth and increase its yield.especially the yield hefore frost season.Glomus versiforme is the most efective species in increasing cotton yield.


