
Ecological effects of grassy fibre film mulch on spring corn field in dry1and

  • 摘要: 试验研究了革纤维膜覆盖旱地农田春玉米及其对土壤理化性状、土壤温度和水分状况及作物生长发育的影响。结果表明,草纤维膜覆盖在改善土壤结构、调节土壤温度、蓄水保墒、促进柞物生长发育等方面效果明星,是解决我国北方旱农地区干旱缺水与土壤瘠薄缺肥的有效途径之一.


    Abstract: According to the field information from the place located in Shouyang County,Shanxi Province,a new kind of field mulch-Grassy Fibre Film Mulch(GFFM)on spring corn in dryland and its effects on soil pysieal and chemical features,soil temperature,soil water condition and the growth of spring corn are studied.The results indicate that the GFFM can improve soil structure,harmonize relations among soil temperature,soil water condition and crop deve1opment,decrease soil evaporation,and raise crop water utilizationefficiency.Under GFFM condition,the amounts of soil water storage and supply are increasedby 14.9mm and 14.6mm respectively,crop water consumption is decreased by 9.2% ,the coefficientof crop water consumption decreased by 32.3% and the efficiency of soil water utilization raised by 47.5% compared with the contro1.The water-saving and yield-raising efficiency of GFFM is obvious,so the GFFM is one of the effective ways to solve the problem such as drought and barren land in the dry farming areas in Northern China.


