
Evaluation of afforestation technology with strip clearing shrubs in slope land

  • 摘要: 实验研究表明,清带造林技术是将山地植被自然恢复和目的树种人工重建有机结合的有效的森林重建技术措施。它能有效地防止水土流先,改善林地的光、温、有机质分解条件,促进林木生长,维持物种多样性,利于形成乔-灌-草-地被物多层次立体结构。


    Abstract: Experiments show that afforestation technology with strip clearing shrubs (ATSCS) is effective to develop forest.Aside from soil and water conservation,and protection of biodiversity,this technology can mix natural trees with artificial trees in the same system.The clearing of shrub belts improved light and temperature condition in the ecosystemt,and,there-fore,stimulated the decomposition rate of organic matter and accelerated the growth of young forest.It is good technology to form a tree-shrub-grass multi-layer system.


