搞好生态农业建设 促进农业持续发展

Construction of eco-agriculture for promoting sustainable agricultural development

  • 摘要: 内蒙古自治区翁牛特旗实施生态农业建设的实践证明,在生态脆弱带农牧交错区狠抓农牧结合,合理配置和充分利用资源优势、强化加工企业基地建设是改善生态环境,发展生态经济,使生态系统趋向良性循环的有效途径。


    Abstract: Combination of agriculture and animal husbandary.rationally disposing and fully utilizing of resources,strengthening up the construction of processing industries are effectiveways to improve the ecosystems in the weak ecology of inter-cross zone of agriculture and animalhusbandary based on the practices from eco-agricultural construction in Wengniute of Inner Mongolia.


