Compound eco-agricultural model and its engineering techniques for high yield farmland in Changtu County Liaoning Province
摘要: 阐述了辽宁省昌图县以全国生态农业建设试点县建设为契机,应用生态工程技术建立了以玉米为中心的高产农田农林牧加复合型生态农业模式,初步实现了经济、生态和社会效益的统一,对于北方平原丘陵区旱作农业可持续发展具有一定的推广价值。Abstract: By application of eco-engineering to construct the compound eco-agricultural model of farming,forestry and animal husbandary with the maize growing as the center,the unifying of economic,social and ecological benefits was realized during the processes of eco-agricultural county construction in Changtu County. The experience could be extended to other dryland farming areas in North China for sustainable development of agriculture.