
Natural resource valuation method for model design for sustainable develonment of agriculture

  • 摘要: 在农业可持续发展模式设计中通过进行以经济价值为表征的自然资源持续性评价,有利于变自然资源的无偿使用为有偿使用,保持农业自然资源的生产能力。对资源经济价值评价理论与方法进行了集中分析,并以资源折旧法对拜泉县试验小区数据进行了运算分析,证实了该方法的有效性。


    Abstract: Through evaluation the sustainability of natural resources expressed by theireconomic value,it is helpful to chang the free using natural resources to non-gratuitous system in order to sustain the productivity of the natural resources.Method and theory for evaluation the ecomonic-value of the natural resources were analysed in the paper,and date collected from a pilot field in Baiquan County was analysed and calculated by a method called Natural Resource Depreciation.The results proved the effectiveness of the method.


