
Ecological effects of ploughing and softening with aggregate dressing for wide-row close maize growing in the semi-humidity dryprone areas

  • 摘要: 采用田间试验,研究半湿润易旱区夏玉米翻松聚肥与宽行密植的农田生态效应的结果表明,沿玉米种植带进行播前底翻松和生长期侧翻松,可使土壤犁底层疏松,土壤渗透性提高,深层蓄水效果明显。翻松结合聚肥,可快速形成深厚的条带沃土,促进根系发育。对应栽培所形成的宽行密植结构,改善光照和小气候具有明显的增产效果及年增产的稳定性。


    Abstract: Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of ploughing and softening with aggregate dressing for maize-growing and its field ecological effects. The results showed that along the maize row,deep ploughing before planting,combining side ploughing and softening can soften the tillage pan, increase the soil permeability and water storage in deep layer of soil during the growth period of maize.Furthly combining aggregate dressing, banded rich soil will be quickly formed which can improve the maize growth conditions. By wide-row close planting measures,the light and micro-climate conditions can also be improved.Those measures have significant effects on maize yield increase.


