
The micro-climatic characteristics of inter-planting crop with fruit tree in cold zone

  • 摘要: 通过对寒地果农间作园的观测表明,其光照强度受树体影响而减弱。间作后夏季园内的空气和土壤温度降低,相对湿度和土壤含水量提高,蒸发量减小,有利于果树和间作物生长。间作物种类根据遮荫面积而定,50%以内时可种植瓜类和豆类,超过50%时应种植耐荫作物。


    Abstract: Results from the investigation of the intercropping fields of crop and fruit tree showed that the intensity of illumination for the crops was decreased because of the shadowy effects of the trees. During summer in the intercropping fields air temperature,soil temperature and evaporation rate were lower,and relative humidity and soil water content were higher than that in the non-stripping farmland. Those were favorable to the growth of the intercropped crops and fruit trees. The choicing of the intercropped crops with friut tree should depend on the shade intensity of the trees. When the shadow-tree area was less than 50%,melon and beans could be choiced as the interrow crops,otherwise,high shade endurance crops should be choiced as the interrow crops.


