The structure and functions of a compound agro-ecosystem for utilization of the uncultivated land in the suburb of Tianjin
摘要: 本文通过对天津市北辰区双街乡荒地实施生态工程建设建成的以“基塘型果园”为景观特征,以“果-鱼-畜-禽”为生产主线的复合农业生态系统结构合理性、功能有效性的分析与评价,探讨了城郊荒地改良模式和调控途径。Abstract: Uncultivated land is a waste of valuable agricultural resources,especially in the suburbs. In order to fully utilization of the waste land in Tianjin suburb,a compound agro-ecosystem was built based on eco-engineering at the test plot.The system is a feature of "fruit fish-domestic animal-domestic bird". The structure and functions of this system were analysed to provide ways for exploiting the abundant waste land in suburbs.