
A Study on the "Pond Fir-Fish-Duck"Eco-agroforest Model

  • 摘要: 利用池杉(Taxodium ascendens)耐水淹的特性,开发了“池杉-鱼-鸭”共栖的生态农林业生产模式,经过连续8年运行,发现在该模式下单位面积平均经济收益是无树鱼池和无鱼池杉林的3倍以上;同时,试验林区招来大量鸟类,形成了一个人造的鸟类生态环境,改善了生态景观和降低了当地农田病虫害防治成本。该生产模式在亚热带和暖温带水网地区有广泛的推广前景。


    Abstract: An new eco-agro-forest model,in which pond fir trees(Taxodium ascendens)are planted,among the pond fir trees different fishes and duchs raised according to their water tolerant ability,has been established in Zhangduhu State Farm in Xinzhou County,Hubei province.It is found that the mean income per area of this pattern was over three times higher than that of fish pond with no trees and that of pond fir trees with no fish after eight years continuous operation,meanwhile lots of birds were attracted to this region to live. The local environment were improved and costs of controlling diseases and harmful insects were also been reduced.This pattern has a broad extending prospects in regions with water net-works in sub-tropic and warm temperature zones.


