
Analysis of the Ecoagricultural Models in Major Type of Regions in China

  • 摘要: 本文主要针对我国华北、西北和中南地区,概要分析主要生态农业模式的区位分布特点,进而探讨各区位适宜重点发展的生态农业类型及需要优先解决的区位关系。提出缩减上游山区边际耕地面积,扩大造林(含经济树种、植物),发展种草养畜,实行资源环境建设补偿机制,推动区域生态农业建设,从而使我国农业向着高产、优质、高效持续方向健康发展。


    Abstract: Features of regional distribution of the primary ecoagricultural models in the north,north-west and central-south of China were analysed in this paper.Suitable ecoagricultural models for defferent regions were also studied.Based on the analysis,it was pointed out that reducing arable land area and expanding forest area(including economic forest and vegetation)in boundaries of mountain regions can promote the development of eco-agriculture and reach the purpose of compensation mechanism in developing resources and environment.Then agriculture can be developed with high yield,fine quanlity and high efficiency.


