
Light Distribution in Crop-tree Intercropping Area and its Agricultural Value

  • 摘要: 本文根据田间实测资料,在着重分析林农间作时一天内单棵树木遮荫面积与遮荫强度的时间与空间的变化规律基础上,明确了泡桐间作下农田相对日照总量的分布状况。论述了林农间作三种树行结构类型的遮荫规律及其农业实用价值。指出由于泡桐具有对农作物遮荫胁地作用较小的优点,桐穴间作蕴藏有较大的生产潜力。


    Abstract: In this paper based on the analysis of the daily temporal and spatial variations of the shady area and the shading intensity of a single tree in intercropping area,the features of the total relative sunlight distribution in crop-Paulownia intercropping field were studied.The shading effects and practical agricultural value of three structural patterns of tree-row were also discussed.It was found that Paulownia as intercropping tree has greater potential for agricultural production because of its small shady stress on crops.


