
Utilization of the Water Absorbent in Water-saving Agriculture

  • 摘要: 本文研究了保水剂包膜涂层对大豆、小麦、绿豆等作物种子萌发成苗及保水剂蘸根对葡萄苗、山茱萸苗移栽成活率的影响,结果表明;1%保水剂包膜涂层可促进大豆、绿豆等豆类种子出苗率,使其出苗早,苗齐苗壮,抗旱能力增强,而对小麦玉米等淀粉种子的出苗无明显作用;低浓度的保水剂蘸根可提高苗木的成活率,促进其生长,增强抗旱能力,而高浓度的保水剂蘸根则降低苗木成活率,生长下降。


    Abstract: In this paper the effects of coating water absorbent to seeds on their germination and the effects of soaking roots of seedling fruit trees in water absorbent on their survival rate were studied.The results shows that the seeds of soybean and mung bean whose protein content are high have higher germination rate when coated with water absorbent compared with uncoated seeds.But there was no effect founded with corn and wheat seeds which have a high content of starch.The results also indicate that when roots of fruit seedlings soaked in a high concentration water absorbent the survival rate was decreased,but in low concentration the rate was increased.


