
Effecots of Doubled CO2 Level on the Growth and Development of Rice(Oryza sativa L,cv.Aixiangnuo)

  • 摘要: 矮香糯水稻(Oryza sativa L, )插身后生长在大气(350ppm CO2)和CO2倍增(700 ppm CO2)的开顶式培养室中,结果显示,在CO2倍增的条件下,矮香糯生长旺盛,根系发达,根系干重增加23%,株高增加12%,每穗结实率增加29%,每株籽粒干重增加41%。本文对目前有关这方面的研究现状进行了讨论。


    Abstract: Rice plant (Oryza Sativa L,cv. Aixiangnuo) was grown at 350 and 700ppm CO2 open top chambers respectively after transplanting.Some characteristics of growth and development of the plant were observed.Results showed that rice grown at doubled CO2 concentration,compared with that grown at ambient air,its root dry weight increased by 23%,plant height increased by 12%,number of seed set/panicle increased by 29% and grain weight/plant increased by 41%.Current research progress in this area was also discussed.


