
A Study on the Obstructions,Regularity and Counter-measures of Sustainable Agricultural Development in China

  • 摘要: 本文在对持续农业产生的背景与含义及我国农业现状研究的基础上,指出了我国农业持续发展面临自然、技术、经济和社会因素四个方面的障碍因素;在对国内外农业现代化进程、规律、技术进步与名称替代规律与现象系统研究的基础上,提出了要素组合理论是我国农业实现高产高效持续发展的的重要规律之一。要保证农业的持续发展,就必须建设好农业持续发展的自然基础、技术基础、经济基础和社会基础。


    Abstract: In this paper the background and connotation of sustainable agriculture,the obstructions,regularity and counter-measures of Chinese agricultural system were studied.The results are that Chinese agricultural system is suffering four groups obstructions coming from natural,technological,economic and social factors.In order to achieve better economic results and high yield simultaneously the thory of productive element combined should be observed.The counter-measures that will keep and enhance the stability of the agricultural system are to preserve and improve natural resources,use advanced technologies,set up maket economic and make a series of policy to keep and enhance farmers'benefits.


