
The Ecological Agriculture and Its Development in China

  • 摘要: 从理论与实践的结合上阐述了中国发展生态农业的理论思维,提出了中国生态农业的“四性”,即综合性、适应性、高效性、持续性;将其技术内涵概括为“三体系”,即突出第一性生产体系,优化物质循环转化体系和改善人为调节体系,并总结出具有代表性的“十种”生态农业主要技术类型。我国生态农业试点建设成就已初步显示了其旺盛的生命力,找到了农业持续发展重要途径,生态农业正在实现由部门性科研活动向社会性产业实践的转变;预言九十年代我国生态农业建设必将经历一个新的发展阶段,将会出现“十个方面”的新突破。


    Abstract: From the vievpoint of combination theory and practice,this paper has expounded the theoretical bases for the development of eco-agriculture in China.The author points out that chinese ecological agriculture has four characteristice: namely,comprehansiveness,adapatability,high-efficiency and continuity.It is suggested that the technical contents of the characteristics be summarised as follows:pinpointing the production system,perfecting the material circulation,transformation system and improving man-made adaptation system.In addition ten major technical types of the ecological agriculture are discussed in this paper. The author belives that the consruction of the pilot projects in China has shown that the eco-agriculture has exuberant vitality,and is the right way to develop agriculture in China.Then it is pointed out that the eco-agricultrue in China is transforming from sectoral scientific resesarch to social productive practice.Finally it is predicted that 1990s will be a new stage for the construction of the eco-agriculture in China and there will be new breakthroughs in ten aspects.


