
Research progress on the effects of soil freeze-thaw on plant physiology and ecology

  • 摘要: 土壤冻融作用是季节性冻土区和多年冻土区常见的自然现象, 主要是指由于土壤温度变化而出现的反复冻结 解冻过程。冻融作用不仅影响土壤的理化和生物学性质, 而且还会改变植物的生理生态过程, 从而可能对冻土广泛分布的高纬度和高海拔地区植被生态系统生产力产生重要影响。本文重点论述了土壤冻融对植物地上和地下部分生理生态过程的影响效应以及全球变化背景下高寒植被生态系统对不同冻融格局的响应特征, 总结了不同气候环境条件及生境胁迫下植物光合作用、生物量和生产力、根系生长及其对水分和温度胁迫响应等的生理生态表现, 同时对当前土壤冻融与植物生理生态领域研究存在的不足进行了阐释, 提出全球变化背景下频繁的土壤冻融作用将强烈改变植被生态格局和功能, 并指出这种改变在高寒生态系统中表现将更为显著。


    Abstract: Soil freeze-thaw, which mainly refers to repeated freezing and thawing due to changes in soil temperature, is a natural phenomenon in seasonally frozen or permafrost regions. Freeze-thaw not only affects soil physicochemical and biological properties, but also alters the ecophysiological processes of plants. This has been noted to significantly influence the productivity of ecosystems in high latitude and altitude areas with vast frozen grounds. This paper reviewed the effects of freeze-thaw on the physiological and ecological processes of above-ground and below-ground parts of plants and the response characteristics of alpine vegetation ecosystem to different freeze-thaw patterns. The paper summarized the ecophysiological characteristics under different climatic conditions and habitat stresses in terms of photosynthesis, biomass and productivity, root growth and response to moisture and temperature stress. The shortage in studies on soil freeze-thaw and ecophysiological processes of plants were also addressed. It was concluded that frequent soil freezing and thawing dramatically influenced the distribution patterns and ecological functions of vegetation under changing global environment, which was especially stronger in alpine ecosystems.


