
Evaluation of county-level coordinated development in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

  • 摘要: 针对河北省张家口市特殊的生态区域地位和脆弱的生态环境及经济发展落后态势, 为探讨其生态环境的重要性与经济社会发展的重要性的相互关系, 以张家口地区的13县为研究对象, 采用基于熵值法的协调评价方法对其县域协调发展进行了评价。首先建立了张家口地区县域协调发展的评价体系, 包括生态资源、经济水平和社会发展3个子系统, 共计21个指标。利用熵值法确定指标权重, 计算得出各县域的子系统分值以及三者之间的协调度。根据协调度和经济水平将13个县域进行分区, 共分为4个类型区: 发达协调区, 蔚县; 发达调和区, 怀来县; 中等发展协调区, 包括宣化县、张北县、阳原县、怀安县、万全县、涿鹿县、赤城县和崇礼县; 欠发达失调区, 包括康保县、沽源县和尚义县。各类型区的分布与区位分布有关: 欠发达地区位于张家口地区的北部, 发达区位于张家口南部, 而中等发展区主要集中在中部。并针对不同分区制定因地制宜的发展策略, 为其今后的发展提供具有指导意义的建议与帮助。


    Abstract: In response to fragile environment, a special ecological importance and undeveloped economy in Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province, the paper established an index system to evaluate development coordination status, and discuss the correlation between environment and social-economic importance of 13 counties in the city. The index system included twenty one indexes, belonging to three subsystems of ecological resources, economic level and social development. The index weight was measured by using entropy evaluation method. Scores of ecological resources, economic level, social development and coordination degree of the three subsystems in each county were calculated. Based on the scores of economic level and coordination degree, 13 counties were further divided into four groups - developed and coordinated area of Yu County; developed and coordinating area of Huailai County; developing and coordinating areas of Xuanhua, Zhangbei, Yangyuan, Huai'an, Wanquan, Zhuolu, Chicheng and Chongli Counties; and undeveloped and uncoordinated areas of Kangbao, Guyuan and Shangyi Counties. It was noted that the four groups were related to the geographical distribution of the counties. The less developed counties were mainly distributed in the northern part of Zhangjiakou City, developed counties distributed in the southern part, and counties with medium economic development and coordination degree were mainly distributed in the central part of Zhangjiakou City. In accordance with the classification, different solutions and suggestions were advanced for coordinating development efforts in the different groups of counties. In developed and coordinated areas, it was necessary to keep and extend development experiences and to also pay significant attention on ecologically limiting factors. In developed and coordinating areas, the technologies and structures of industries needed improvement to increase profits and reduce industrial consumption of resources. For developing and coordinating areas (which covered most of the counties in the region), there was need of a comprehensive balance in development and ecology to avoid damage to the environment during economic and social development. For undeveloped and uncoordinated areas, top government officials needed to pay more attention on policies which increase ecological compensation and poverty alleviation to eliminate ecological poverty.


