
Impacts of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) on water quality and microbes

  • 摘要: 福寿螺为首批入侵中国的16种危害最大的外来物种之一, 它适应性强、食性广泛、繁殖速度快, 近年来对稻田等水体生态系统造成了较大危害。本研究通过室内养殖试验, 探讨了福寿螺对水体环境, 以及福寿螺养殖液对水体放线菌和酵母菌的影响效应。结果发现, 与对照处理相比, 养殖福寿螺的水体呈弱酸性, 水体的浊度、总氮、总磷等含量随着养殖时间的延长而增大。同时, 福寿螺养殖液使水体中总细菌的数量显著增加, 对酵母菌的生长有促进效应, 但不同密度福寿螺的养殖液对酵母菌和放线菌的生长均无显著差异。本研究表明, 福寿螺入侵可能会导致水体富营养化和水质恶化等环境问题。这些研究结果可为福寿螺入侵的生态危害及风险评价提供参考依据。


    Abstract: Golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) is one of the 16 most harmful exotic species in China. Due to its strong adaptability, omnivorous habit and high ability of reproduction, it has made serious damage to aquatic ecosystems like paddy fields. A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine impacts of golden apple snail (GAS) on water environment and influence of GAS excretion on the growth of yeast and actinomycete. The main experimental results showed that the culture solution of GAS appeared to be weak acid, while that of the control was weak alkaline. The turbidity, contents of total P and total N increased significantly as the culture time elapsed. Moreover, the culture solution of GAS resulted in significant increase in both amounts of yeast and total microbes, but there were no significant differences for either yeast or actinomycete among the treatments of different GAS densities. This study indicates that golden apple snail invasion would probably cause environmental problems of water eutrophication and quality deterioration. These findings may be helpful for assessing the ecological risk of GAS invasion.


