
Comparative study of nitrogen budget in three different vegetable planting patterns under greenhouse condition

  • 摘要: 氮素利用效率用于反映当季作物从肥料中同化的氮量, 这在农业生产实践中至关重要。不合理的氮肥施用将导致土壤板结、地下水污染以及作物品质下降等一系列问题, 因此近年来备受关注。本文以中国农业大学曲周试验站日光温室有机蔬菜生产长期定位试验为基础, 借鉴前人对于氮素平衡的研究方法, 即氮盈余=氮输入(肥料氮+移栽苗带入氮+灌水带入氮) 氮输出(收获物带出氮), 研究2011年春季有机、无公害和常规3种温室茄子种植模式下土壤氮素表观平衡的盈余变化。结果表明: 有机、无公害、常规3种种植模式下, 土壤耕层0~20 cm土壤全氮含量差异极显著, 其中有机生产模式最高, 为2.6 g·kg-1, 无公害生产模式为1.7 g·kg-1, 常规生产模式最低, 为1.3 g·kg-1; 3种种植模式下氮素的总输入分别为1 150 kg·hm-2、1 182 kg·hm 2、1 433 kg·hm-2, 总输出分别为178 kg·hm-2、135 kg·hm-2、116 kg·hm-2, 茄子单季产量分别为93 458 kg·hm-2、93 320 kg·hm-2、90 209 kg·hm-2, 最终氮素盈余量分别为971 kg·hm-2、1 046 kg·hm-2、1 317 kg·hm-2。有机种植模式与无公害和常规种植模式相比, 茄子单季产量分别提高0.1%和3.6%, 氮素盈余分别降低7.2%、26.3%。综上, 有机种植模式对耕层土壤的氮素累积贡献最大, 且较无公害和常规种植模式相对高产。有机模式土壤氮盈余较少, 表现出较高的氮素利用效率。本研究结果可为选择高产、健康的种植模式提供参考依据。


    Abstract: Nitrogen use efficiency reflects the amount of N assimilation of crops, which is a critical for agricultural production. Unreasonable N application and excessive fertilizer-N input have frequently resulted in soil compaction, groundwater pollution and low quality crop products. This has received a considerable researcher and consumer attention in recent years. A simple formula introduced in this study to determine apparent nitrogen budget (ANB) was as follows: ANB = NI NO, NI is N input and NO is N output. Data from a long-term field experiment initiated in 2002 at the Quzhou Agricultural Experimental Station were used to determine ANB under three planting patterns of vegetable. The planting patterns included organic pattern, low-input pattern and conventional pattern. The study aimed to provide reference materials for the development of a sustainable high-yield planting pattern. Based on the results, a significant difference was noted among soil total nitrogen content in 0 20 cm soil layer of the three planting patterns during the growth period of eggplants. The nitrogen contents in 0 20 cm soil layer of the organic, low-input and conventional patterns were 2.6 g·kg-1, 1.7 g·kg-1 and 1.3 g·kg-1, respectively. Total nitrogen input in the organic, low-input and conventional patterns was 1 150 kg·hm-2, 1 182 kg·hm-2 and 1 433 kg·hm -2, respectively. The corresponding total nitrogen uptake by crops was 178 kg·hm-2, 135 kg·hm-2 and 116 kg·hm-2, respectively. Also eggplant yield under the three cropping patterns in 2011 was 93 458 kg·hm-2, 93 320 kg·hm-2 and 90 209 kg·hm-2, respectively. Net nitrogen surplus for the growth period of the eggplants was 971 kg·hm-2, 1 046 kg·hm-2 and 1 317 kg·hm-2, respectively. The eggplant yield under organic pattern was respectively 0.1% and 3.6% higher than that under low-input and conventional patterns. Net nitrogen surplus under organic pattern was 7.2% and 26.3% lower than that under low-input and conventional patterns. From the above results, it was concluded that organic pattern was contributed the highest to soil N accumulation and had the highest yield and lowest net nitrogen surplus. This led to the highest nitrogen use efficiency when compared with the low-input and conventional patterns. The paper compared ANB in three different planting patterns of eggplants under greenhouse condition and contributed to sustainable and high-yield organic production practices in China.


