
Effect of different organic manures on oil flax dry matteraccumulation, distribution and yield

  • 摘要: 为促进胡麻(Linum usitatissimum Linn)生产实现高产、优质, 在甘肃省白银市、兰州市和内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市进行了田间试验, 以不施肥(T1)和施用化肥(T2)为对照, 比较了施用农家肥(T3)、胡麻油渣(T4)和"清调补"生物肥(T5)、"窝里横"生物肥(T6)对胡麻干物质积累、分配规律及产量的影响。结果表明: 3个试验区不同施肥处理明显改变了胡麻干物质积累的进程, 干物质积累量从多到少排序均为T4>T2>T3>T6>T5>T1。拟合的胡麻全生育期干物质积累Logistic模型均达到极显著相关水平。胡麻最大干物质积累速率一般出现在现蕾期, 播种时间较迟时会延至青果期。3个试验区不同肥料处理胡麻干物质积累直线增长天数从多到少以及干物质积累最大增长速率从高到低排序均表现一致, 分别为T3>T2>T4>T5>T6>T1和T4>T2>T3>T6>T5>T1。各施用有机肥处理成熟期花果干物质分配比率均比对照(T1、T2)有所提高。T3比T1处理显著增产22.85%~45.40%, 与T2处理未见显著差异。T4分别比T1、T2处理显著增产62.83%~88.13%、9.58%~39.49%。T5、T6比T1处理分别显著增产15.14%~18.10%、17.65%~21.01%, 比T2处理分别显著减产14.63%~20.52%、12.77%~18.57%。生产上应大力推行胡麻油渣、农家肥施用技术, 促进胡麻有机生产的发展。


    Abstract: To realize oil flax (Linum usitatissimum Linn) high yield and good quality, field experiments were conducted in Baiyin and Lanzhou Cities of Gansu Province and Ordos City of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The study compared the effects of the applications of four different fertilizers on oil flax dry matter accumulation and distribution and yield. The four fertilizers included farmyard manure (T3), oil flax residue (T4), and "Qingtiaobu" (T5) and "Woliheng" (T6) bio-fertilizers. Treatments without fertilizer (T1) and with chemical fertilizer (T2) were used as controls. The results showed similar trends in oil flax dry matter accumulation under all the fertilizer treatments in three different experiment sites with the order of T4 > T2 > T3 > T6 > T5 > T1. Fitted logistic equations of oil flax dry matter accumulation in all the three sites were significant at P < 0.01. The maximum rate of dry matter accumulation generally occurred at squaring stage, or at young fruit stage when planting date was delayed. Days for dry matter accumulation increasing with time in straight line and maximum accumulation rate in the three sites were in the order of T3 > T2 > T4 > T5 > T6 > T1 and T4 > T2 > T3 > T6 > T5 > T1, respectively. Dry matter distribution ratios of flowers and fruits at ripping stage under different organic fertilizer applications were higher than that under the controls. Pod number per plant, seed number per pod and thousand-grain weight of T4 were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than those of the controls. Pod number per plant, seed number per pod and thousand-grain weight of T3 were higher than those of T2, but the differences were insignificant across the three experi-mental sites. Both T3 and T4 yields increased by 22.85%~45.40% and 62.83%~88.13% over treatments without fertilizer. Also yields of T5 and T6 increased by 15.14%~18.10% and 17.65%~21.01% over treatments without fertilizer. Yield of T4 signifi-cantly increased by 9.58%~39.49% over the treatment with chemical fertilizer. Yields of T5 and T6 significantly decreased by 14.63%~20.52% and 12.77%~18.57% over treatments with chemical fertilizer. Though yield of T3 decreased by 1.50%~8.91% over treatments with chemical fertilizer, the difference was not significant. Oil residue and farmyard manure were therefore the recommended fertilizers for enhanced development of organic production of oil flax.


