
Soil seed bank characteristics of different vegetations in typically affected regions of Wenchuan Earthquake — A case study in Subaohe and Weijiagou Basins

  • 摘要: 为了解汶川地震灾区典型区不同植被类型土壤种子库特征及其与灾害受损程度间的关系, 采用野外调查取样和室内试验相结合的方法, 研究了北川县苏保河与魏家沟流域4种植被类型(未受损林地、受损林地、灾后恢复草地和灾后裸地)土壤种子库的物种组成、种子密度、多样性及其与地上植物群落的关系。结果表明: 4种植被类型样地中, 土壤种子库密度为212.5~1 758.3个·m-2, 每样带(200 m2)平均物种数为4.3~14.7个。4种植被类型土壤种子库的组成物种多为多年生或一年生草本植物, 土壤种子库与相应地上植被的物种数仅受损林地与灾后恢复草地中呈显著相关; 物种组成的Sorensen相似指数除裸地低于0.250外, 其余均高于0.250。基于以上分析结果, 在灾区进行植被恢复, 需要考虑次生灾害对植被的持续破坏可能性, 采用工程措施及人为引种的方式增加成活率和延续性。


    Abstract: Geo-hazards induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake destroyed large areas of vegetation in the earthquake affected regions. In particular, surface soil of vegetation was destructed which completely changed soil seed bank in regions with severe damage. Field surveys backed with laboratory experiments were conducted in Subaohe and Weijiagou Basins to study the characteristics of soil seed bank (including species composition, density and diversity), and the relationship between soil seed bank richness and disaster degree. The typical Wenchuan Earthquake affected area with 4 vegetation types (undamaged forest, damaged forest, restored grassland and bare-land) was selected for the study. The results showed that soil seed bank density was 212.5~1 758.3 seed·m-2 with species number of 4.3~14.7 per 200 m2, respectively. Most of the soil seed bank for the 4 vegetation types comprised of perennial herb and annual herbs. The mean species number for soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation were not correlated, except for damaged forests and recovered grasslands. Sorensen index of species composition between soil seed banks and aboveground vegetations were high (> 0.25) in the 2 basins, except for bare-land. It was recommended, based on the above results, to use engineering measures and artificial propagation to improve vegetation survival rate and restoration in regions with severe earthquake destruction.


