
Tri-giant leap from red to black and then to green revolution in China in one century

  • 摘要: 中国现代革命的发展历程可以明显分为3 个阶段: 第1 阶段是“红色革命”, 从1921 年中国共产党成立到1949 年中华人民共和国成立; 第2 阶段是以发展工业革命为代表的“黑色革命”, 从1949 年新中国成立开始到2000 年中国基本进入小康初级阶段; 第3 阶段是2000~2010 年建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会的“绿色革命”。中国在不到100 年内实现了从“红色革命”到“黑色革命”再到“绿色革命”的三大跨越。中国未来必须走以清洁能源和再生能源、绿色制造和绿色农业为主的低碳经济发展的“绿色革命”之路, 才能保障生态环境改善和食品安全并可持续发展。


    Abstract: The history of Chinese modern revolution can be grouped into three periods as follows: the red revolution period (from the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 to that of the People’s Republic of China in 1949), the black revolution period (from start of industrial revolution in 1949 to the initial stage of a well-off society in 2000), and the green revolution period (from 2000 to 2010 aimed at developing a resource-saving and environment-friendly society). China has therefore accomplished a tri-giant leap from the red revolution to the black revolution, and then to the green revolution in the space of just one century. In the future, China must embark on green revolution, develop clean and renewable energy, green manufacturing and agricultural production, and low carbon economy. These measures would not only reduce pollution, but also improve the environment, ensure food safety and sustainable development in the country.


