Depopulation of rural areas under the backdrop of urbanization— A case study of Kangbao County, Northwest of Hebei Province
摘要: 为了解我国城市化背景下, 农村普遍存在的过疏化现状及其驱动因子, 本文对处于农牧交错带生态脆弱区的河北省康保县19个自然村进行实地调查, 定量分析了住宅的闲置和破坏程度。结果显示:闲置砖房、闲置土房的比例分别为0.360、0.254, 村庄内残破房屋的比例平均达到0.350。进一步分析表明, 我国北方农牧交错带农村聚落过疏化发展有以下特点:区内人口流失程度与农民收入水平大致呈正相关, 经济水平长期在低水平上缓慢发展是地区人口过疏的根本原因, 人去房空导致的村容景观破败影响新农村建设并导致大量资源的浪费, 大量精壮劳动力的流失冲击了农村正常的生产生活秩序。Abstract: To understand the issues and driving factors of rural depopulation (a universal phenomenon in the rural areas of every nation under the backdrop of urbanization), we surveyed 19 villages in Kangbao County, Hebei Province. The villages are in the farming pastoral interlocks of North China where the ecology is fragile and the economic backward. The number of idle houses and the degree of damaged house were quantitatively analyzed. The survey shows that the proportion of idle brick houses to total brick houses is 0.360, and that of earthen houses to total usable earthen house is 0.254. That for dilapidated houses to total houses is 0.350. Depopulation of the rural villages in the farming pastoral interlocks of North China has the following characteristics: The extent of depopulation is in direct correlation with farmer income level. Low and slow economic development is the fundamental cause of depopulation in the area. Labor loss has resulted in severe dilapidation of village landscape and resource waste. Depopulation has severely retarded normal orders of rural production and life.