
Effect of 3-methyl phenol at different rates of irrigation and intercropping on water consumption, and yield of wheat and faba-bean

  • 摘要: 通过盆栽试验,研究了3个供水水平(田间持水量的45%、60%和75%)和间甲酚对小麦间作蚕豆耗水量及产量的影响。结果表明:间作总耗水量较相应单作总耗水量的加权平均低12.87%~31.56%,间甲酚对不同作物全生育期总耗水量的作用不显著,但供水和种植模式与作物总耗水量间的相关性极显著。间甲酚对小麦、蚕豆的产量均具有负效应,提高供水量可弱化间甲酚对小麦产量的负效应,但不同供水水平下间甲酚对蚕豆经济产量的化感作用差异不显著。间作生物产量和经济产量较相应单作的加权平均分别高15.3%~37.41%和5.98%~31.27%,间作同时具有弱化间甲酚对蚕豆化感负效应的作用。


    Abstract: A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of 3-methyl phenol and the rate of irrigation on water consumption and yield of wheat and faba-bean in monocropping and intercropping systems. Irrigation was done to keep soil water contents to be 45%, 60% and 75% of field capacity at 3-methyl phenol concentration of 300 × 10-6mol·kg-1. Results show that the total water consumption of wheat and faba-bean under intercropping is 12.87% ~ 31.56% lower than that for wheat and faba-bean under monocropping. Allelopathic effect (AE) of 3-methyl phenol on water consumption of different crops is insignificant; but irrigation rate, and cropping pattern are significant correlated with total water consumption. 3-methyl phenol negatively affects yield of wheat and faba-bean, but that effect on wheat is weakened by enhanced irrigation rate, while 3-methyl phenol AE on faba-bean yield under different irrigation rates is not significantly different. Both biological and economic yield of intercropping systems increases by 15.3% ~ 37.41% and 5.98% ~31.27% respectively, in comparison with monocropped wheat and faba-bean yield. Intercropping as well weakens the negative effect of 3-methyl phenol AE on faba-bean yield.


