
Elementary study on the framework of standard system for eco-agriculture in China

  • 摘要: 本文系统概述了我国生态农业发展的基本特点和建立标准体系、研制技术标准的客观需求,阐明了我国农业标准体系的基本构成和三维结构(包含领域、层级、环节)及其发展的基本态势,重点介绍了国外有机农业或有机农产品标准体系构建的情况,明确了我国生态农业不能简单地等同于国外有机农产品生产的特殊性,阐述了从生态农业模式入手,以整体系统为对象、以模式为核心、以配套技术标准为主体、以循序渐进为步骤、以与国际接轨为目标的中国特色生态农业标准体系构建的基本思路和原则,并提出以建立各种生态农业模式技术标准为核心的包含基础层、共性层、个性层和细化层4层结构的我国生态农业标准体系框架及其核心内容。


    Abstract: In the paper, we summarize the basic characteristics of the development in China's eco-agriculture, and the significance of establishing a standards system. Based on the review and introduction of basic structures and development of China's agro-standards system as well as international standards system for organic agriculture or organic products, differences between China's eco-agriculture and that of the international community are determined. Concurrently, the principles on which China's eco-agriculture standards system is built are discussed. Finally, the paper advances the framework of the standards system forChinas eco-agriculture, with core technology standards for a layered eco-agricultural pattern like the basic layer, common layer, character layer and material layer.


