
Effect of high temperature stress at early grain-filling stage on plant morphology and grain yield of different heat-resistant varieties of wheat

  • 摘要: 研究灌浆初期高温胁迫对不同耐热性小麦品种的影响,有助于为耐热稳产性小麦品种选育提供方法,也可为小麦丰产抗逆栽培技术提供理论参考。以‘济麦22’(JM22)、056852品系(056852)、‘新麦26’(XM26)和‘藁城8901’(GC8901)4个不同耐热性小麦品种(系)为材料,通过灌浆初期(花后12~14 d)在田间搭建塑料棚模拟高温胁迫,研究高温胁迫对小麦形态和籽粒产量的影响。高温胁迫处理3 d,处理最高温度达43.13℃,处理日均温较不搭棚的田间对照温度在胁迫3 d中分别高10.48℃、9.71℃、9.84℃。结果表明:灌浆初期高温胁迫降低了小麦的植被覆盖指数和冠层叶绿素含量,JM22和056852高温胁迫处理与对照的NDVI值和冠层叶绿素含量在胁迫后差异不显著,而XM26和GC8901分别显著下降9.66%、6.26%和12.10%、10.73%。高温胁迫后不同耐热性小麦品种(系)籽粒灌浆持续期显著缩短,与对照相比,JM22、XM26、056852和GC8901籽粒灌浆持续期分别显著缩短1.4 d、2.4 d、0.8 d和3.0 d。千粒重和籽粒产量因高温胁迫显著降低,XM26和GC8901分别比对照产量降低11.43%和10.05%,JM22和056852产量分别降低6.41%和6.93%。综上,灌浆初期高温胁迫不同程度地加速了耐热性不同小麦品种(系)冠层叶绿素的降解,缩短了籽粒灌浆天数,减少了灌浆物质的积累,降低了籽粒产量。试验材料JM22耐热性和丰产性都较好;056852品系耐热性较好,产量一般;XM26和GC8901耐热性较差,产量较低。


    Abstract: As one of the major crops in China, wheat has direct relationship with living standard and national food security. Wheat suffers high temperature stress often at late growth period which negatively impacted wheat yield and quality. Under the steadily increasing global temperature, the frequency of high temperature stress in wheat has increased. There are many indicators used for heat resistance screening and evaluation of wheat, including chlorophyll fluorescence, cell membrane, canopy temperature, thermal index, etc, in previous researches. However, most researches were limited to laboratory analysis, and neglected yield investigation. Considering wheat as a group crop, the chlorophyll content of population canopy and NDVI were used for wheat heat-resistance evaluation in this study. The grain-filling characteristics and yield outputs were also investigated. The study aimed at providing reliable methods of breeding, and theoretical basis for cultivation of high-yielding and stress-resistant wheat varieties. In this study, the effect of high temperature stress for 3 days at early grain-filling stage on morphology and grain yield of different heat-resistant wheat varieties (lines), including heat-resistant varieties (lines) of JM22 and 056852, and heat-sensitive varieties (lines) of XM26 and GC8901, were investigated through erecting artificial greenhouse to increase on-field temperature. The highest temperature during the 3-day high temperature stress was 43.13℃ and the average temperatures in every day were respectively 10.48℃, 9.71℃ and 9.84℃ higher than that of the control. Different heat-resistance varieties (lines) varied in response of plant and grain morphologies to high temperature stress. NDVI and canopy chlorophyll content of four varieties (lines) decreased after high temperature stress. These changes of JM22 and 056852 were not significant, while NDVI values and chlorophyll contents of XM26, GC8901 significantly decreased by 9.66%, 12.10%, and 6.26%, 10.73%, respectively. High temperature stress accelerated the senescence process of wheat. The grain-filling duration were significantly shortened by 1.4 d, 0.8 d, 2.4 d and 3.0 d for JM22, 056852, XM26 and GC8901, respectively. High temperature stress significantly decreased 1000-kernel weight and grain yield of wheat. The yield reductions of heat-sensitive varieties (lines) of XM26 and GC8901 were 11.43% and 10.05%, those of heat-resistant varieties (lines) of JM22 and 056852 were 6.41% and 6.93%, respectively. In conclusion, high temperature stress at early grain-filling stage accelerated canopy chlorophyll degradation, shortened grain-filling duration, reduced grain yield of wheat. JM22 showed better heat resistant ability and yield performance. 056852 had better heat resistance ability but normal yield performance. XM26 and GC8901 were worse both in heat resistance and in grain yield.


