非农转移与农户种植结构调整: “趋粮化”或“非粮化”

Non-agricultural transfers and the restructuring of farmers’ cultivation: “grainification” or “non-grainification”

  • 摘要: 近年来, 耕地“非粮化”趋势的加剧不仅提高了我国对外部粮食资源的依赖, 更不利于今后粮食产能的高位提升。随着农村劳动力非农转移, 家庭收入与资源配置随之发生变化。在此背景下, 探讨劳动力非农转移对破解当前日益严峻的耕地“非粮化”现象具有重要的现实意义。本文利用全国范围内3 709个农户数据, 创新性地将家庭劳动力分配与收入结构变化考虑在内, 从农业社会化服务、农业机械和土地转出等角度, 探究劳动力非农转移对粮食种植结构的作用机制, 并进一步分析区域差异造成的异质性影响。研究发现: 1)样本中农户粮食种植面积占比平均为49%, 每个家庭劳动力从事非农就业的占比平均为25%, 非农收入占比76%。2)劳动力非农转移改变了农户的非农收入与非农就业, 并通过促进购买农业社会化服务、采纳农业机械以及土地转出间接影响农户粮食种植行为。3)劳动力非农转移的影响在不同粮食产区间存在差异, 且当村庄位于非城郊区或非平原地区时, 其对粮食种植行为的促进作用更强。因此, 应综合考虑农户实际情况和各区域粮食生产现状, 制定有针对性的政策措施, 以应对劳动力转移和收入结构变化等多方面挑战, 从而保障我国粮食安全, 促进农户增产增收。


    Abstract: In recent years, the intensification of the trend of “non-grain” cultivated land has not only increased China’s dependence on external food resources but has also placed greater pressure on maintaining high levels of grain production in the future. Because of the ongoing expansion of the social and economic sectors and the growth of non-agricultural industries, the relocation of rural populations from primary to secondary and tertiary occupations has become a prevalent phenomenon. Most studies have focused on the impact of the broader phenomenon of non-agricultural labor transfer on the cropping structure. However, this approach fails to consider that labor transfer is not merely an individual decision but rather an adjustment of the household’s resource allocation strategy. The transfer of labor from agricultural to non-agricultural sectors will not only affect the allocation of labor within households but also alter the structure of household income, thus creating differences in both labor allocation and financial resources. Considering the these factors, this study employs data from 3 709 farming households nationwide to examine the impact of non-agricultural transfer of labor on grain cultivation. The study takes into account shifts in the distribution of household labor and income structure and explores the mechanism of non-agricultural transfer of labor on grain cultivation from the perspectives of agricultural socialization services, agricultural machinery use, and land transfer. Moreover, this analysis considers the impact of regional heterogeneity. The average ratio of grain-cultivated area to total cultivated area in the samples was 49%, the average ratio of non-agricultural labor force to total household labor was 25%, and the average ratio of non-agricultural income to total household income was 76%. Additionally, the transfer of labor from agricultural to non-agricultural sectors altered the structure of income and employment for agricultural households. This, in turn, influenced the decision-making process regarding grain cultivation as households sought to purchase agricultural socialization services, adopt agricultural machinery, and transfer land. Moreover, the impact of the non-agricultural transfer of labor varied among different grain-producing areas. The promotion of grain cultivation was more pronounced in villages situated in non-suburban or non-plain areas. Considering the specific circumstances of agricultural households and prevailing conditions of grain production in each region is essential. This will ensure the formulation of targeted policy measures that can effectively address the challenges posed by labor force transfer, changes in income structure, and other factors. Such measures are crucial for maintaining food security in China and promoting increased production and income of agricultural households.


